Friday, June 29, 2007

Letters from the Public - July '07 Edition

Please post your letters of support for Lieutenant Colonel Bellon and his troops as comments of this post. There may be a slight delay before your comments appear since all comments are sent to the Administrator for approval. Thank you for your participation!



Contact: Joanne Chen, Communication Specialist
Phone: (858) 268-8875 ext. 3


Total Recall Learning salutes local military heroes with letter-writing campaign at the San Diego Fair and a new blog (

San Diego, CA – June 29, 2007 – On July 3, Total Recall Learning Inc. will kick off a public letter-writing campaign to honor local military heroes Lieutenant Colonel David Bellon and the troops he commands. Total Recall will be collecting hand-written letters and notes at the Alliant International University’s booth display in the San Diego Pavilion at the San Diego Fair between 10 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The public can also post words of support at

“Dave has exposed Total Recall to challenging opportunities and has been very supportive of enhancing the performance of his troops, others in the services and even students in the middle school thru high school. David is a true professional and an example of integrity and excellence. We already miss his insight, unique perspectives and smile. We will have a tough time picking up where he left off and are anxious to have him back!” said Dr. Tim Becker, President of the San Diego-based educational software company.

When he is not being deployed, Lieutenant Colonel David Bellon is the Vice President of Total Recall Learning. He is also the co-founder of Bellon and Lisiecki LLP, a law firm that serves military families and other residents of San Diego. Before starting his firm, Bellon served in the U.S. Marine Corps and then in the reserves and have already led his rifle battalion in two combat missions overseas in Iraq. A father of two, Bellon and his unit are currently completing pre-deployment training and will soon be called to active duty overseas.

In addition to submitting letters and notes at the booth, fair attendees can sign a giant greeting card that will be delivered to his family.

To thank the public for participating in the campaign, Total Recall will be giving out postcards with directions to download free software from the company’s website.

About Total Recall Learning Inc.:

Total Recall Learning Inc. ( incorporates an intelligent learning system in its software products. Users attain demonstrated, measurable, long-term recall rates in excess of 90%, in one-half to two-thirds of the normal study time. Total Recall Learning offers a library of ready-to-serve business and academic learning resources, as well as on-demand custom-designed courses. Clients of TRL include: U.S. Navy, CDLHN (California Distance Learning Health Network), Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors, corporations, universities and individuals.


Note from Administrator:

Please post your letters of support as comments under posts, titled "Letters from the Public." Thank you for your participation!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Note from Dr. Tim Becker, President of Total Recall Learning Inc.

Dave has exposed Total Recall to challenging opportunities and has been very supportive of enhancing the performance of his troops, others in the services, and even students in the middle school thru high school. David is a true professional and an excellent example of integrity and excellence. We already miss his insight, unique perspectives, and smile. We will have a tough time picking up where he left off and are anxious to have him back!

Best wishes,

Tim Becker

Note from Dr. Rene Naert, Professor

Hello, Dave & Troops,

From one old salty vet, to you and your valiant troops in the field:

I’d like to wish each and every one of you a safe and successful deployment.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you; and if there is anything that you need or would like to have that you cannot get there, please let us know, and we’ll do our best to get it to you.

BTW, you never know how your efforts will pay off. This summer I will be returning to Viet-Nam after 35 years to teach a class in e-business. And, like our experiences with post war Japan and Germany, after our war with the Vietnamese, they are now becoming friends and allies of ours through trade and cultural exchanges.

It may be decades before the visible benefits of your difficult tasks are realized, but your presence in-country, if history is truly a sound bellwether, will ultimately have a major, positive impact on Iraq, and the people of the entire region.

Thanks for your service, Dave, and for the great sacrifices you and your comrades-in-arms are making.

Semper Fi Marine!


René M. Naert, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Marshall Goldsmith School of Management
Alliant International University
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego, CA 92131